words fly away; writings remain

My name is Kenzi. perhaps you might be interested, in what i have to say.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Those who danced were thought insane by those who could not hear the music.

By Me, when I was about 13 years old.

The mind is power.
He who takes advantage of that
can convince himself of anything.
he can imagine himself flying
and he,
well, he would feel the wind in his hair.
in his mind
... he IS flying.

someone who doesn't understand
who knows... because don't we all know?...
that it is impossible to fly
would call that man crazy.

I might call that man genius.
The mind is power.
And he who takes advantage of that
is called crazy
(hardly seems fair, does it)

Had I one wish. I wish to fly.
... and not be called crazy.


  1. Kenzi, this is amazing! I can't believe that you wrote that when you were only 13. You have writing ability beyond your years. Thanks for sharing.

  2. aw jann that's awfully nice of you to say. (:
