words fly away; writings remain

My name is Kenzi. perhaps you might be interested, in what i have to say.

Monday, January 24, 2011

This type of thinking could do us in.

There are two kinds of people in this world, I think. People who know, and people who just don't. I am most definitely a long time member of the "people who don't know" club.

If someone went through my trash they would find crumpled up pages of doubt and left over hesitance. Please, don't minsinterpret me. I don't mean that I don't understand things. I only mean to convey to you my uncertainty.

Yet, If someone offered me saucer full of answers I'm not very sure I would accept. 'Why?' inquiring minds might ask. Well. Why the hell would I?

Please, allow me to explain.

Faith, for instance. Is there a God? I don't claim to have the answers, and it doesn't matter to me one way or the other. If suddenly it was known that the Mormon religion was true, or Catholic, or any religion, my life wouldn't change. I'm just doing the best I can, here.

Shall I go get my "People who don't know" club membership jacket now?

Ignorance can be bliss. Without uncertainty the drama of human life is destroyed!

and sometimes.

Having all the answers

(or THINKING you have all the answers)

doesn't get you very far at all.

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