words fly away; writings remain

My name is Kenzi. perhaps you might be interested, in what i have to say.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I write down everything.

and I
I push it

to the very back of the attic of my mind.

and I leave them there.
long enough to gather dust.
Long enough.
That I can feel the moths fluttering around
and the old smell of smoldered thoughts lingers.

Sometimes when I feel brave enough
and sometimes when I feel
like I might just be
big enough this time.
I roll up my sleeves, and clear the cobwebs from my path.
And I climb the creaky stairs
to the attic of my mind.
And I tear open the boxes

and I flip through the pages
that document every stored thought

"Maybe if I had...."
"Why didn't you...?"

they fly around me
they bite and sting my skin like poisonous insects.

Every last bit of my composure
twists and chokes and bends til it breaks
and it scatters at my feet.
And everything inside of me is begging to just get away.

and I know then.
I'm far too small.
and I stumble back down
to safety.

and you must understand

how I don't want to talk about it.
you must understand
there are things that gnaw and claw and eat my heart up.
unless I keep them hidden between pages,
and boxed
safely in the deepest part of my memory.

Where I might not
stumble upon them accidentally.


  1. Kenz...you amaze me. I love it. love it.

  2. WOW. This is my favorite post. No pressure to try and beat it or anything. ;) Ahha.

    But seriously, this post... it just explains everything I'm feeling right now.

    I wish I was talented like you! BLARGH.

  3. wellll thankyeh.
    my mom says it creeps her out... o.O
