words fly away; writings remain

My name is Kenzi. perhaps you might be interested, in what i have to say.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


i only tell you what you want to hear so it'll make you happy.
you seem to be oblivious to the fact that it's through clenched teeth anyway.
i just can't give you what you need. i just can't be there
when you need me. to save the day.
to soothe you with the sweet words you need to hear.
i've been pulled in every direction. i can hardly keep my focus.
i'm as far apart as i can go and everybody wants me,
to don my motley costume
to dance when they say dance.
to play the fool to keep you happy.
i'm stretched.
but i
still can't
not anymore.
it used to be worth it. to stand on my head just to
keep youhappy.
not anymore.


  1. Stop stretching, take off that costume and be yourself makenzi, the people who really love you will be there even when your costume is removed, and the people who arent well they dont really matter in the first place they were all wearing costumes themselves playing the supporting role, it hurts but everything in this world hurts us at some point. Sometimes people stretch themselves in silence knowing it doesnt matter how far they stretch calling out wouldnt make a difference or stop anything, others in extreme measures and large seemingly meaningful ways. So stand on your feet from now on and walk forward it's better than an illusion of moving forward when your really going backwards and stop telling people what they want to hear it never turns out good. Also your drawing is badass i love it and I love you :) costume grocery bag, sexy clothes, i love you because underneath all of it your still kenzi, it's just hard to get to you sometimes throught that shell of yours it's really hard.

  2. its nice in my shell thanksbutnothanks.

  3. I know it is i have one myself althought mines quite a bit stronger but I'm a turtle elder what do you expect, you'll find out, and what does the thanks but no thanks mean i didnt offer anything.

  4. um. your words of elderly advice. OBVIOUSLY!
