words fly away; writings remain

My name is Kenzi. perhaps you might be interested, in what i have to say.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

the worst disappointment.

"it's hard to love somebody so careless" ...that's what they say to me.
not with huge harsh arm gestures or shouted with red faces
but with silence. and shaking heads
as they turn their back on me.
"it's hard to love somebody so careless" that's exactly what's conveyed to me.

1 comment:

  1. It's easy to love you for me makenzi, not loving you wouldn't change anything and it would just be a lie how could i not love you how could i turn my back on you, how could i reject your existence to render you meaningless to me, the opposite is true you mean everything to me perfections and flaws,old or young,tall or short, sad angry or happy, i love you, and although you may be a little carless we all are in varying degree's but that doesnt make loving you any harder, in fact it makes perfect sense to me how could i not love you how could i not care about your well being your happiness your life your connected to me and i'm connected to you forever. Somethings never break somethings never change no matter what even when it seems like they should they continue on enduring the hardships and enduring the storms however violent they maybe because there's still that light on the otherside of them that certain light created just for us by us. What a silly reason for it to be hard to love you, it would be hard to love you if you rejected my love and cast it aside by itself alone and empty with no one to accept it but even then i would still love you.
